


MYSURU - 570020
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Website Policy

Copyright policy

"Material on this site is subject to copyright protection unless otherwise indicated. The material may be downloaded to file or printer without requiring specific prior permission. Any other proposed use of the material is subject to the approval of CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru. Application for obtaining permission should be made to computercentre[at]cftri[dot]res[dot]in".

Hyper linking policy

Links to external websites/portals: At many places in this Website, you shall find links to other websites/portals. This links have been placed for your convenience. CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute is not responsible for the contents and reliability of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them. Mere presence of the link or its listing on this website should not be assumed as endorsement of any kind. We can not guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over availability of linked pages.

Links to our website by other websites“Prior permission is required before hyperlinks are directed from any website to this site. Permission for the same, stating the nature of the content on the pages from where the link has to be given and the exact language of the Hyperlink should be obtained by sending a request at computercentre[at]cftri[dot]res[dot]in”.

Privacy policy

Thank you for visiting website of CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute and reviewing our privacy policy. We collect NO personal information, like names or addresses, when you visit our website. If you choose to provide that information to us, it’s only used to fulfil your request for information.
Information collected and stored automatically
When you browse, read pages, or download information on this website, we automatically gather and store certain technical information about your visit. This information never identifies who you are. The information we collect and store about your visit is listed below:

  • The Internet domain of your service provider (e.g. mtnl.net.in) and IP address (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you’re surfing the web) from which you access our website.
  • The type of browser (such as Firefox, Netscape, or Internet Explorer) and operating system (Windows, Unix) used to access our site
  • The date and time you accessed our site
  • The pages/URLs you have visited and
  • If you reached this website from another website, the address of that referring website
  • This information is only used to help us make the site more useful for you. With this data, we learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology our visitors use. We make no attempt to link these addresses with the identity of individuals visiting our site unless an attempt to damage the site has been detected.