


MYSURU - 570020
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Academic Programmes

M.Sc. Food Techonlogy

M.Sc. Food Technology course was started in the year 1964 as a part of International Food Technology Training Centre (IFTTC). The Merit-cum Entrance Examination System is the mode for students getting admission to this course. There is also an intake of 1 seat from the Indian army. M.Sc. Food Technology is an inter-disciplinary course, aimed to foster the food industries with highly trained food technocrats. The extensive course curriculum amalgamated with hands-on experience equips the students to address contemporary challenges and answer future emergencies in the food sector. Selection of the candidates to the course is based on their performance in the qualifying degree examination, as evidenced by Marks / Grade along with the score in Entrance Examination. Admission to this program is through a National-Level Entrance Examination (Objective type) conducted at Mysore in the month of July. The passing out students have found placement in Food and allied Industries, Institutions or Government Organization through campus selection.

Integrated M.Sc - Ph.D Program (Nutrition Biology)

Today as the world looks at ‘Nutrition’ as an alternative for ‘Medicine’. The culmination of this knowledge would be to demonstrate how ‘food’ becomes the magic bullet for ‘good health’. This program is sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, under AcSIR, the curriculum keep an emphasis on the fundamentals of Nutrition and metabolism at molecular as well at the organism level. The focus is on enhancing the research capacity in Nutrition Biology areas. This program is jointly conducted by CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore, JSS Medical College, Manipal Medical College, Mysore Medical College & Research Institute, and Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences (Mandya). The program aims at seamlessly integrating nutrition with diverse areas of science-like biology, chemistry, physics, bioinformatics, modelling, statistics and so on.

Flour Milling Technology Course

International School of Milling Technology (ISMT) was established as a joint Indo-Swiss venture and Roller Flour Millers Federation of India project during 1981 to serve the needs of flour milling industry in India and other developing countries with regard to training in flour milling technology. ISMT enjoys the facilities and expertise of CFTRI with fully dedicated computer controlled pilot roller flour mill, where students are taught milling systems as per the international and Indian subcontinental standards. ISMT is also equipped with analytical laboratory for testing physico-chemical attributes of raw material and finished products. In addition, test baking and pilot scale baking facilities are available for assessing quality of milled products.

ISMT Alumini   

Ph.D Programmes

a) Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR)

CSIR–CFTRI is committed to excel in Research & Innovation, Knowledge Dissemination, Technology Transfer and Human Resource Development in the areas of Food Science and Technology through quality attributes to be practiced and implemented at all levels. The focus of research & innovation in diverse disciplines of food science and technology is very well supported by excellent infra-structure, state-of-the-art instrumental and pilot plant facilities and advanced research training. CSIR−CFTRI, Mysore offers an excellent research & innovative environment for students who wish to pursue full time Doctoral (Ph.D.) Research Programme in Biological Science / Engineering Science under Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR).

b) Universities

CSIR-CFTRI is a recognized institution for doing Ph.D. degree in Science under the University of Mysore, University of Mangalore. Students can register for Ph.D. under Biochemistry, Bioscience, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Food Science, Food Technology, Food Science & Nutrition and Microbiology. For further details contact Co-ordinator Ph.D (Universities)