


MYSURU - 570020
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Business Development

  • CSIR-CFTRI can assist industry by undertaking projects of shorter durations with one-time activity such as testing & analysis, Technical assistance of advisory nature etc. The mode will be extremely friendly to MSMEs.
  • Industries can get assistance in the consultancy mode. This include support for preparing the Detailed Project Report (DPR), turn-key solution, Advisory support etc.
  • Off-the-shelf purchase of technologies developed by CFTRI.
  • Delivering specific solution in terms of R&D, Product development etc. Here also, the project will be for a short duration such as 9-12 month while meeting specific objectives as defined by the party

Food Product Analysis & Quality Assurance

Quality of food is inextricably linked to health. Access to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food is the key to sustaining life and promoting good health. The Institute provide analytical services, which include the determination of proximate composition, nutritional analysis (oils and fats, milk and milk products, sweets and confectionaries), analysis of food additives (preservatives, synthetic colours, artificial sweeteners, antioxidants, etc.), analysis of food contaminants (heavy metals, pesticides, Aflatoxins, antibiotics, etc.) and microbiological safety for food products. A wide range of science-based food analytical services are offered to food and allied industries through the customer service cell for compliance under the provision of FSSA 2006, Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS), AGMARK, and other national and international standards. Laboratory accreditation is a hallmark of competence and quality assurance. The facility is ISO 17025:2005 certified and accredited for more than 300 analytical parameters for chemical and biological testing of foods.
It has been designated as the Referral Food Laboratory (RFL) by FSSAI, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India and facility functions with provisions of the Food Safety & Standards Act 2006 (FSSA 2006), Rules & Regulations 2011, and it contributes in development and implementation of National Food Standards and Regulations for regulatory/academic organizations and for domestic food business as well as imports. The laboratory also provides consultancy in setting up quality assurance laboratories for food and agricultural commodities.

Pilot Plant Services

The institute has diverse equipment and machineries for pilot production of food products some of it was developed in-house as well. The same facility can be hired by any SMEs, Entrepreneur’s etc. for carrying out manufacturing and for introducing new/existing products on a trial basis.The services provided by the Unit are boon to the small and Medium scale industries and new entrepreneurs. Major processing units housed in the facility include: Twin crew extrusion equipment, Cryogenic grinding system, Drying systems, Roasting systems and forming machinery. Added to it there is a Design Centre and Prototype Fabrication Units while assisting in the automation demands in the area of food processing. Also various Mini Pilot plants attached to the technology departments caters to the processing of grains, spices, baking, fruits and vegetables, Packaging and Meat processing.