
ಸಿಎಸ್ಐಆರ್ - ಕೇಂದ್ರೀಯ ಆಹಾರ ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಸಂಶೋಧನಾಲಯ

ವೈಜ್ಞಾನಿಕ ಮತ್ತು ಕೈಗಾರಿಕಾ ಸಂಶೋಧನಾ ಮಂಡಳಿ

ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ ಮತ್ತು ತಂತ್ರಜ್ಞಾನ ಸಚಿವಾಲಯ, ಭಾರತ ಸರ್ಕಾರ,
ಮೈಸೂರು - 570020

Right to Information Act, 2005

Particulars of Organisation, Functions and Duties

Aims / Objectives of the Central Food Technological Research Institute:-

The goal set by this laboratory is to advance knowledge and to apply in the area of Food Science and Food Technology for the society.

Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees

Powers, functions and responsibilities of the Director, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysuru.
The Director, as Head of the Laboratory shall be responsible for: -
  1. Realizing the mission of the National Laboratory
  2. Creating an environment in the National Laboratory conducive to nurturing of innovation and high class R&D and the other S&T activities of the laboratory
  3. Managing the affairs of the National Laboratory as per the decisions of the Management Council
  4. Director shall in all matters, i.e. administrative, financial and disciplinary, have powers delegated to him by the Governing Body.
  5. Bye-laws further provide for delegation of powers to other officers /functionaries subordinate to Director

Procedure followed in Decision Making Process Including Channels of Supervision and Accountability

Decisions are taken in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the subject. Notwithstanding the fact that the Director has the authority to exercise all administrative and financial and other powers, he has delegated certain administrative and financial powers to subordinate functionaries.

Norms set by CFTRI for the Discharge of its functions

  1. In regard to all matters concerning service conditions of employees of the Society, the Fundamental and Supplementary Rules framed by the Government of India and such other rules and orders issued by the Government of India from time to time shall apply to the extent applicable to the employees of the Society. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Bye-law, the Governing Body shall have the power to relax the requirement of any rule to such extent and subject to such conditions as it may consider necessary.
  2. Director of each laboratory shall be assisted by Administrative functionaries (Controller of Administration, Controller of Finance & Accounts, Controller of Stores & Purchase) to advise him in respect of all administrative and financial matters.
  3. The laboratories operate under the overall control of CSIR. The Labs will manage the routine administrative & financial matters. However, CSIR will be the nodal authority in matters such as Receipt & Disbursement of funds from the Government, Research Fellowship and Training, Budget & Finance, policies of recruitment and promotion, legal matters, etc.

Functions of Research Council

  1. Advise on the formulation of R&D programmes and future directions of activities of the laboratory keeping in view the Five Year Plans, national priorities and opportunity areas.
  2. Suggest networking with other CSIR National Laboratories on programmes of mutual interest.
  3. Review R&D activities and research programmes and advise on future directions.
  4. Advise on fostering linkages between the laboratory, industry and potential clients.
  5. Constitute panel of experts for selection of Scientific (Group IV) staff.
  6. Any other function as may be assigned by Director General / Governing Body.

Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records held by CFTRI or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.

List of rules, regulations, instructions manual and records, held by Central Food Technological Research Institute under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions is provided at:

Rules & Regulations.

Statement of the categories of documents held by or under the control of CFTRI

Sl. No Category of Documents Held by
01. (a) Documents relating to service matters
(b) All documents relating to General Administration
02. All documents relating to Vigilance / Disciplinary / legal case Administration
03. All documents related to recruitment, Assessment and promotions of staff Administration
04. Documents relating to all purchases, stores and issue Stores & Purchase Section
05. Documents relating to payments / finance Finance & Accounts Section
06. Documents relating to construction & maintenance works (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical) Administration / C&CM Department and E&MM Department and Finance & Accounts Department
07. Documents relating to Sponsored & Consultancy projects, Industrial Projects, patents, public information relating to the Lab TTBD Department / PMC Department / Administration
08. All documents relating to R & D projects PMC Department / Administration
09. All documents relating to publication and science communication including Annual Reports PMC Department

Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof


Statement of the Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of these Boards, Councils, Committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.

Information related to the Councils/Committees of CSIR-CFTRI
(a) Research Council (R.C.) and its generic composition

For each National Laboratory, there shall be a Research Council comprising:-

  1. Five external experts, one of whom shall be designated as Chairman.
  2. Representative of concerned Scientific Departments / Agencies of Government of India.
  3. Director of the Laboratory.
  4. Director/Sr. Scientist from a sister laboratory.

Director General or his representative shall be permanent invitee.

Members at (1), (2) and (4) including the Chairman shall be nominated by Director General. The Secretary of the Research Council shall be nominated by the Director. The Secretariat for Research Council shall be provided by the National Laboratory.

The Chairman of RC shall preside the meeting. In the absence of the Chairman, members present shall elect a member to preside the meeting.

The term of nominated members of Research Council shall be for a period of three years. The Research Council shall meet not less than two times a year.

Functions of Research Council

The Research Council shall:-

  1. Advise on the formulation of R&D programmes and future directions of activities of the laboratory keeping in view the Five Year Plans, national priorities and opportunity areas.
  2. Suggest networking with other CSIR National Laboratories on programmes of mutual interest.
  3. Review R&D activities and research programmes and advise on future directions.
  4. Advise on fostering linkages between the Laboratory, industry and potential clients.
  5. Any other function as may be assigned by Director General / Governing Body.

The Proceedings of the Research Council shall be approved by its Chairman. In the absence of Chairman of RC, one of its members who presides the meeting as Chairman shall approve the Proceedings of the said meeting. The Director-General may amend any of the decisions of the Research Council which shall be binding.

(b)Management Council(MC) and its generic composition

There shall be a Management Council for each National Laboratory for management of affairs of the Laboratory within the framework of Rules and Regulations, directions and guidelines issued by Society, Governing Body, Director General and the Director.

The Management Council shall comprise:-

  1. Director of the National Laboratory - Chairman
  2. Four scientists of the Laboratory representing the staff of various age groups.
  3. One representative of the technical personnel.
  4. One Director level scientist from the same Laboratory or sister laboratory.
  5. Head, Research Planning Business Development/Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Laboratory.
  6. Controller of Finance & Accounts/F&AO of the Lab.
  7. Controller of Administration/Administrative Officer of the Laboratory as Member Secretary.

Members at (2) to (6) to be nominated by Director-General, CSIR. The term of the nominated members shall be for a period of two years.

All matters at the Management Council meeting shall be decided by the majority view.

Each member including the Chairman shall have one vote.

The Chairman of Management Council shall preside the meeting and in the event of temporary vacancy in the office of the Director or absence of Director on account of illness, leave, deputation abroad, etc., the Acting Director of the Laboratory shall be the Chairman of the Management Council. The Chairman of MC shall preside the meeting of the MC and also approve the Proceedings.

The Management Council shall meet as and when required for effective management of the Lab./Instt., but not less than thrice in a financial year.

Functions of Management Council
  1. To administer and manage the affairs and environs of the laboratory.
  2. To write off irrecoverable monetary losses and Stores within the limits prescribed by CSIR.
  3. To recommend the resource allocation for R&D activities / facilities of Lab./Instt.
  4. To monitor the progress of R&D and other activities of the Lab./Instt.
  5. To recommend devolution of powers to the Project Leaders for the proper implementation of the projects / activities.
  6. To approve contract R&D, consultancy projects and licensing of IPR beyond the powers of Director.
  7. To consider the annual report of the National Laboratory.
  8. To constitute selection committees and assessment committees for all Technical and support staff.
  9. Any other matter, as may be referred by the Director-General.

The proceedings of the Management Council shall be approved by its Chairman. The Governing Body or Director-General as its Principal Executive Officer may review / amend any of the decisions of the Management Council, and pass such orders as considered necessary, which shall be binding on the Management Council.

Meetings of the Management Council are not open to the public.

Directory of Officers and employees

Click here for Directory of Officers and employees

Monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations

The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made

The total budget is allocated to CFTRI by CSIR from time to time every financial year. The total budget allocation for the financial year 2009-10 was Rs.6395.007 Lakhs, 2010-11 was Rs.6507.259 Lakhs and 2011-2012 was 6503.908 lakhs.

Manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes


Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted


Details in respect of the information, available to or held by CFTRI, reduced in an electronic form

  1. About CFTRI
  2. CFTRI Library e-bulletin
  3. CFTRI's Profile
  4. Information on R&D and business related activities
  5. Educational and Training Courses
  6. Library e-Bulletin
  7. Advertisements about jobs in CFTRI
  8. Information on Tenders

The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.


( English version ) provides the following information:

  1. CFTRI's Profile.
  2. R&D activities
  3. Business related activities
  4. Educational and Training Courses
  5. Library e-Bulletin

Apart from the above, CFTRI website also provides information concerning -

  1. Advertisement about jobs at CFTRI @ Recruitments as and when advertisements are released.
  2. Information of Tenders / Tender forms @ Tender Notice.

Any other information can be had from Director, CFTRI, Mysore-570020

The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Authorities

Sl. No Designated Public Authorities Deatils of Officers Contact Details
01. Nodal Officer Shri P. Manilal
Sr. Principal Scientist & Head
PMC Department
CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore−570 020
(Off) : 0821-2514360
(Fax) : 0821-2517233
(Mob) : 09845580223
(e-mail) : tkdl[at]cftri[dot]res[dot]in
02. Transparency Officer Shri A. Srinivas
Sr. Principal Scientist
GST Department
CSIR−CFTRI, Mysore−570 020
(Off) : 0821-2510843
(Fax) : 0821-2517233
(Mob) : 09449061423
(e-mail) : sri[at]cftri[dot]res[dot]in
03. Appellate Authority Dr. Alok Kumar Srivastava
Chief Scientist
FS&AQCL Department
CSIR−CFTRI, Mysore−570 020
(Off) : 0821-2514972
(Fax) : 0821-2517233
(Mob) : 09880548051
(e-mail) : aksrivastava[at]cftri[dot]res[dot]in
04. Central Public Information Officer Shri D J N Prasad
Administrative Officer
CSIR−CFTRI, Mysore−570 020
(Off) : 0821-2516802
(Fax) : 0821-2517233
(Mob) : 09440802803
(e-mail) : coa[at]cftri[dot]res[dot]in