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Keshava Murthy P S

Jr. Scientist

Email : keshavamurthy[at]cftri[dot]res[dot]in

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Polymer Science and Technology, Food packaging Technology,


1. Effect of Onion Peel Extract on Structural, Mechanical, Thermal, and Antioxidant Properties of Methylcellulose Films. Mandeep Gulati,   Keshav Murthy P.S &  Jeevan Prasad Reddy, Food Bioprocess Technology https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-023-03054-9

2. Characterization of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Produced by Halomonas venusta KT832796Angelina, Stanley and Keshava Murthy, P. S. and Vijayendra, S. V. N. Journal of Polymers and the Environmen28,73-983,2020

3. Development and application of active films for food packaging using antibacterial peptide of Bacillus licheniformis Me1Nithya, Vadakedath; Murthy, Keshava, Halami, Prakash. Journal of Applied Microbiology 115(2),475-83,2013

4. Preparation of silver nanoparticle-containing semi-interpenetrating network hydrogels composed of pluronic and poly(acrylamide) with antibacterial property  P. S. Keshava Murthy, Saemi Park, Y. Murali Mohan, Won-Gun Koh. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 17(2), 293-297, 2011

5. First successful design of semi-IPN hydrogel–silver nanocomposites: A facile approach for antibacterial application P.S.K. Murthy, Y. Murali Mohan, K. Varaprasad, B. Sreedhar and K. Mohana Raju. Journ al of Colloid and Interface Science, 318,217-224.2008

6. Poly (vinyl alcohol) Based pH Responsive Semi-IPN Hydrogels: A Comparative Swelling Investigation.K. Sambasivudu, K. John, P.S. Keshava Murthy, Y. Mani, Y. Murali Mohan, J. Sreeramulu and K. Mohana Raju. International Journal of Polymeric Materials,56,1099-1111, 2007

7. Effect of Crosslinker on Swelling Pattern of crosslined Poly (acrylamide  – sodium methacrylate) Superabsorbent Copolymer Y. Murli Mohan, P.S.Keshava Murthy, G. Nagarjuna & K. Mohana Raju. Macromolecules An Indian Journal,1,15-28,2006

8. Synthesis, Swelling behavior of Acrylamide-Potassium Methacrylate Superabsorbent Copolymers .Y. Murali Mohan, P.S. Keshava Murthy,  B. Sreedhar, and K. Mohana Raju.  International Journal of Polymeric Materials,55,1-23,2006

9. Acrylamide-Potassium Methacrylate Superabsorbent Copolymers –II: Synthesis,  Swelling Kinetics and Reaction Parameters on Swelling Behaviour. Y. Murali Mohan, P.S. Keshava Murthy, B. Sreedhar, and K. Mohana Raju ,Materials Science  An Indian Journal.2,7-17, 2006

10. Swelling and Thermal Characteristics of pH SpH-Sensitivesslinked Poly(Acrylamide- co-Calcium methacrylate) Superabsorbent Polymers .Y. Murali Mohan, B. Sreedhar, P.S.Keshava Murthy and K. Mohana Raju.Journal of Applied Polymer Science.102,1-12,2006

11. Semi IPNs of Starch and Poly (acrylamide-co sodium methacrylate) Preparation,   Swelling and Diffusion Characteristics Evaluation. P.S.Keshava Murthy Y.Murali Mohan J. Sreeramulu K.Mohana Raju.Reactive & Functional Polymers,66,1482-1493,2006

12. Swelling and Diffusion Properties of Poly ( Acrylamide – co- maleic acid )  hydrogels: A Study with Different  Crosslinking Agents. Y. Murali Mohan, H.Sudhakar, P.S.Keshava Murthy, M.P.Raju, B.Vijaya Kumar Naidu & K.Mohana.Int. J. Polymeric Materials,55, 1-26,2006

13. Investigation on Swelling Properties of   Chemically Crosslinked Poly(acrylamide- co-maleic acid) hydrogels.Y. Murali Mohan, H. Sudhakar, P.S.Keshava Murthy and K. Mohana Raju        International Journal of Polymeric Materials,55,5132-5146,2006

14. Preparation and Swelling Behaviour of Macroporous Poly(acrylamide-co-sodium methacrylate) Superabsorbent Hydrogel.Y. Murali Mohan, P.S. Keshava Murthy, and K. Mohana Raju, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,101,2302-3214,2006

15. Synthesis, Characterization, and Effect of Reaction Parameters on Swelling Properties of Acrylamide-Sodium Methacrylate Superabsorbent Copolymers. Y. Murali Mohan, P.S. Keshava Murthy, and K. Mohana Raju. Reactive and Functional Polymers,63,11-26,2005

16. Swelling Behaviour and Diffusion Studies of High Water Retainer   Acrylamide/ Potassium Methacrylate Hydrogels. Y. Murali Mohan, P.S. Keshava Murthy, K. Madhusudhana Rao, J. Sreeramulu, and K. Mohana Raju, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,96,1153-1164,2005

17. Effect of Potassium Methacrylate Content on Synthesis, Swelling and Diffusion Characteristics of Acrylamide / Potassium Methacrylate Hydrogels. P.S. Keshava Murthy, Y. Murali Mohan, K. Madhusudhana Rao, J. Sreeramulu, and K. Mohana Raju.International Journal of Polymeric Materials,54,899-916,2005

18. Swelling Behaviour of Semi – Interpenetrating Polymer Network Hydrogels Composed of Poly (Vinyl alcohol) and Poly (Arylamide – co – Sodium methacrylate).Y. Murali Mohan , P.S.Keshava Murthy, J. Sree Ramulu & K. Mohana Raju.Journal of Applied Polymer science,98,302-314, 2005

19. Preparation and Swelling Behaviour of Macroporous Poly(acrylamide-co-sodium methacrylate) Superabsorbent Hydrogel. Y. Murali Mohan, P.S. Keshava Murthy, and K. Mohana Raju.  Journal of Applied Polymer Science 101,3202-3214,2006

20. Synthesis and Swelling Properties of Crosslinked Poly(AAm-KMA-MA) Hydrogels .Y. Murali Mohan, P.S. KeshavaMurthy, M.Mohana Reddy, M.Padmanabha Raju, and K. Mohana Raju. J.Polymeric Materials, 22,283-294,2005

21. Miscibility Studies of Hydroxyl-teminated Poly (butadiene) HTPB and Glycidyl Azide Polymer (GAP). Y. Murali Mohan, P.S. Keshava Murthy, and K. Mohana Raju. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics,27,119-124,2005

22. Synthesis and Properties of Poly(AAm-KMA-MA) Hydrogels. Y. Murali Mohan, P.S. Keshava Murthy, M.Mohana Reddy and K. Mohana Raju.  J. Macromol. Sci., Part-A: Pure and Applied Chemistry,42,1227-1245, 2005

23. Synthesis and swelling behaviour of interpenetrating network Polymers of Poly (vinyl alcohol) & Poly (acrylamide – co – Potassium methacrylate).  Y. Murali Mohan,  P. S. Keshava Murthy & K. Mohana Raju. Designed Monomers & Polymers, 8,187-202,2005


Area of interest

1. Safety evaluation of plastic food packaging materials ( Global Migration and Specific migration studies) 2. Super absorbent polymers, nano hybrid hydrogels, 3. Biodegradable food packaging materials 4. Active food packaging materials

Awards and Certificates

  1. Junior research fellow, Department of Science and Technology major research project Govt of India, at Sri Krishna Devaraya University, India
  2. Annual Institutional award for the Maximum ECF Generation for the year 2018-2019, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore