
सीएसआईआर – केंद्रीय खाद्य प्रौद्योगिक अनुसंधान संस्थान

वैज्ञानिक और औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद

विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार,
मैसूरु - 570020

Nanishankar V Harohally

Sr. Principal Scientist

Ph.D in Chemistry from IISc

Email : nani[at]cftri[dot]res[dot]in

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Synthetic Chemistry in particular Organic,Organometallic,Materials,Inorganic.

Spectroscopy in particular NMR, IR and NIR

Important Publications as Corresponding Author


Carbohydrate Chemistry

We are interested in unusual reactions of carbohydrates  relevant to food including Amadori,Heyns and other reactions. Our efforts has lead to following Publications

(1) Debasree, C.Gangothri, MV. Lagamawwa H,Nanishankar V.H. Synthetic Communications 2021,51(22),3379-3389,Critical role of Bronsted acid in Lewis-acid-catalyzed synthesis of Amadori and Heyns compounds of ?-amino acids.


 Our first paper on mechanistic insight of cataytic Amadori and Heyns reactions.

(2) Debasree .C,Gangothri, MV Nanishankar V.H ChemistrySelect 2020, 5(42),12960-12964,Lewis-acid catalysed synthesis of Amadori and Heyns dipeptides.


It is a paper based on concept of  lewis-acid catalysis

(3) Debasree .C, Nanishankar V.H. Tetraheadron Lett  2018, 59(31), 2983-2988.Revisiting Amadori and Heyns Synthesis: Critical Percentage of Acyclic Form Play the Trick in Addition to Catalyst


It is a concept based paper

(4) Nanishankar  et al. J . Agric. Food Chem 2017, 65, 8773-78, Antiaflatoxigenic and Antimicrobial Activities of Schiff Bases of 2-Hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde, Cinnamaldehyde, and Similar Aldehydes


 (5) Nanishankar et al. Food Chem 2014, 158, 340-344, ZnCl2-mediated practical protocol for the synthesis of Amadori ketoses


(6)  SM Srinivas, Nanishankar VH J . Agric. Food Chem. 2012, 60 (6), 1522-1527, Improved synthesis of lysine-and arginine-derived Amadori and Heyns products and in vitro measurement of their angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory activity


It is a concept based paper, wherein, one reagent performing two jobs!

Physical Organic Chemistry

We are interested in concept based crystal engineering research and unusual bonds

(1)  A kala, K.Karthik, Nanishankar V.H, NK Lokanath,J of Mol Struct 2020, 1202.127238

Synthesis, characterization and hydrogen bonding attributes of halogen bonded O-hydroxy Schiff bases: Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and DFT studies


It is a concept based paper.

(2) A kala,  Nanishankar V.H,Naveen, Ramegowda, NK Lokanath Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 2016, 629(1), 146-157

O-hydroxy Schiff bases derived from 2-hydroxy-4-methoxy Benzaldehyde: Synthesis,X-ray studies and hydrogen bonding attributes


Heterocylic Chemistry

We are interested in Design of heterocylic compounds in view of achieving better antimicrobial compounds.

(1) Bhargava K M, Gururaja R, & Nanishankar V.H, Synth commun 2017, 47 (11), 1065-1070.

Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of Schiff bases derived from 2-chloro quinoline-3-carbaldehyde and its derivatives incorporating 7-methyl-2-propyl-3H-benzoimidazole-5-carboxylic acid hydrazide.


 (2) Bhargava K M, Gururaja R, & Nanishankar V.H, Indian Journal  of Heterocyclic Chemistry 2016, 26(1&2) 75-806.

Syntheisis, Characterization and antimicrobial activity Of Schiff bases derived from 2- hydroxyquinoline-3-Carbaldehydes

MOF Chemistry

We are interested in Metal-organic framework materials and its application to drug delivery, food bioactive molecule delivery etc

1)Venkataswamy, Gangothri; Meena, Nisha kiran; Naik, Kavya K; Harohally, Nanishankar (2019): Capsaicin Entrapment in Metal-Organic Framework Material Derived from gamma-Cyclodextrin. ChemRxiv. Preprint.


We found a spicy application for Material reported by Nobel Laurate!

Our group is the first one to publish from CFTRI in a preprint flatform.

2) Gangothri MV, Nanishankar V.Harohally, Stabilization of silver nanoparticles within capsaicin encapsulated metalorganic framework material derived from  gamma-cyclodextrin. J of Crystal growth 2024

DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2024.127879

Our first MOF as well as Nanoparticle paper

3) Gangothri MV, Nanishankar V.Harohally, Gauging substituent effect of organic counter-anion in hybrid MOFs derived from gamma cyclodextrin: silver nanoparticle formation as test reaction. CrystEngComm, 2025,

DOI: 10.1039/D4CE01325E

 Coffee/Chicory/Analytical Chemistry

1) Optimization of matrix matched method fo acrylamide analysis in chicory.Raksha U, Prasanna Vasu, Gnanesh Kumar B.S. and Nanishankar V.Harohally . Journal of Food composition and Analysis.2024

DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2024.107155

2) New gravimetric method for determination of total dissolved solids and percentage extraction for coffee-chicory mixture.Raksha U and Nanishankar V.Harohally  (2024ChemRxiv. Preprint.

DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-rzgqq

3) Development of FT-IR and FT-NIR methods for analysis of moisture and sugars in Jaggery. Anusree L, Raksha U and Nanishankar V.Harohally  (2024ChemRxiv. Preprint.

DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-wtbqh

4)  Quick NIR Based Method for Ascertaining Coffee and Chicory Percentage in a Mixture.Nanshankar V.Harohally,Cyril Thomas ACS-Food science &Technology,  2021, 1, 524-528.


We are the first to publish in a chemistry Prepirint flatform this work and later also publish the work  in a ACS Journal!

5) A Quick NIR Based Method for Ascertaining Coffee and Chicory Percentage in a Mixture.Nanshankar V.Harohally,Cyril Thomas (2020ChemRxiv. Preprint.

DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv.13347338.v1

We found a simple solution for determinng Chicory percentage in solid mixture via  FT-NIR

Our first entry into the world of  NIR spectroscopy!


Important Publications as Contributing  Author (Chemistry aspects inluding  structural elucidation 

1) Shikku PremachandranNanishankar V. HarohallyYannum Sudheer Kumar & Pushpa S. Murthy Volatile fingerprinting of allspice (Pimenta dioica L.) leaf essential oil by GC-MS, E-Nose and NMR.Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 2025


2)  V. P. Mayookha; Raksha U ; Nanishankar V. Harohally; G. Suresh Kumar.Solvent?free synthesis of medium chain triacylglycerols by esterification of capric, caprylic acids with 1, 3?specific and non?specific lipases.Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 2024

DOI: 10.1002/aocs.12904

3) AH Udaya Kumar, KJ Pampa, Nanishankar V Harohally,  Chethan K, Keshavayya J, Akil A, MB Alshammari, NK Lokanath. Structural Investigation of Schiff Base Ligand and Dinuclear Copper Complex: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Computational, and Latent Fingerprint Analysis. ACS OMEGA 2024,

DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c07536

4)  AH Udaya Kumar, KJ Pampa, Nanishankar V Harohally, Dipankar Das, Biswa Nath Ghosh,

NK Lokanath: Structural and computational studies of Schiff base ligand and its metal complexes: Synthesis, solvent effects by post-synthetic modification, computational and selective hazardous sulfide anion detection: Polyhedron, 2023, 243,116521


5)  Udaya Kumar,AH, Pampa KJ, Nanishankar V.Harohally, Das, D, Ghosh BN, Lokanath NK.Structural studies of Schiff base ligand and its copper complexes: Solvents effect in 1-D polymeric and monomeric copper (II) complexes, computational and sensing studies,  Materials Chemisty and Physics,2023,128031


6) Geetha,V,Moumita Das, Mehrdad Zarei,Mayooka, VP,Nanishankar V Harohally, Suresh Kumar, G.Studies on the partial characterization of extracted glycosaminoglycans from fish waste and its potentiality in modulating obesity through in-vitro and in-vivo.Glycoconj J 2022 39,525-542


7) Moumita Das, V Geetha, Mehrdad Zarei, Nanishankar V Harohally, Suresh Kumar, G.Modulation of obesity associated metabolic dysfunction by novel lipophilic fraction obtained from Agaricus bisporus. Life Sciences, 2022,120779


8) AH Udaya Kumar, KJ Pampa, Karthik Kumara, MK Hema, Nanishankar V Harohally, NK Lokanath Structural-property relationship in halogen-bonded Schiff base derivative: Crystal structure, computational and SARS-CoV-2 docking studies J of Mole Struct 2022,133409


9)  Uday kumar AH. Karthik kumara, Nanishankar VH.   Pampa KH, Lokanath.Square Planar trans-N2O2 Cu(II) Complex: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Hirshfeld Surface, DFT, Antimicrobial and Docking Studies NK ChemistrySelect, 2021 6(24),6240-6255.


10)  Mouafo HT, Mbawala, Somashekar D, Tchougang H M, Nanishankar VH, Ndjouenkeu. Biotechnology and Applied biochemistry 2021, 68(3), 585-596. 

Biological properties and structural charaterization of a novel rhamnolipid like biosurfactants produced by lactobacillus casei subsp.casei TM1B

11) Desai  NM   Martha ,GS, Nanishankar VH, PS Murthy LWT-Food Science and Technolgy  2020, 118,108784. Non-digestible oligosaccharides of green coffee spent and their prebiotic efficiency


12) Mondal S,Pandit  SG, Mohan kumari HP,Nanishankar VH,Mohan A.D Process Biochemistry 2019, 82, 173-178.Structural and functional characterization of new pigment molecule Monashin from Monascus purpureus CFR410-11.


13) Pandit  SG, Mohan kumari HP,Nanishankar VH,Mohan A.D Food Chem 2018, 255, 89-96.Functional attributes of a new molecule- 2-hydroxymethyl-benzoic acid 2'-hydroxy-tetradecyl ester isolated from Talaromyces purpureogenus CFRM02.


14) Siddharth P, Nanishankar VH,RoopavathiC,M.M.Naidu, Scientific Reports 2018, 8(1), 17414.Isolation, identification, structural elucidation and bioactivity of Heneicos-1-ene from Coriandrum sativum L. foliage


15)Talawar S,  Nanishankar VH, Chethana R, Sureshkumar G J . Agric. Food Chem. 2017,65, 9838-9848.Development of Wheat Bran Oil Concentrates Rich in Bioactives with Antioxidant and Hypolipidemic Properties


16)Shobarani P, Nanishankar VH, Halami PM, Sachindra NM Internationl J of Biological Macromolecules 2014, 65, 542-548.Antioxidant and anticoagulant activity of polyphenol and polysaccharides from fermented Sargassum sp.



1. A methood of processing leaves of memecyclon malabaricum with antiangiogenic, antioxidant and proapoptotic activity.

By Dharmappa, Rekha Nangappa Gowda; Krishnamurthy, Jayashree; Aradhya, Somaradhya Mallikarjun; Harohally, Nanishankar Vishwanath

  • Patent no: 435270 
  • Application no : 20184102250
  • Date  of filing: 18/6/2018
  • Status: Granted
  • Date of grant:19/6/2023

Ph.D Publications

(1) Nanishankar et al. Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44, 18, 6203-6210. Dynamics of a cis-Dihydrogen/Hydride Complex of Iridium


(2) Nanishankar et al. Euro J.Inorg.Chem. 2004, 15, 3048-3056.  Synthesis and Characterization of the First Examples of Dicationic Dihydrogen Complexes of Iron and Ruthenium with the PF3 Ligand 


(3) Nanishankar et al. Indian Journal of Chemistry 2003

Dicationic dihydrogen complexes of iron with almost no Fe-?2-H2 back-bonding

(4) Majumdar K.K.Nanishankar VH et al Euro J.Inorg.Chem. 2001, 7, 1847-1853. Some new dicationic dihydrogen complexes of ruthenium.




Area of interest

Interested in Big picture research and connecting dots are the following; 1.Prebiotic Chemistry 2.Metal Organic Frameworks , 3.Organic synthesis 4. Catalysis 5. Nano materials, 6.NMR IR, NIR Spectroscopy & MS 7.Coffee and spice chemistry

Awards and Certificates

Brief  CV  reflecting Qualification, Awards and Experience

  • MSc in Chemistry from Bangalore University (Central College campus) 
  • Qualified IISc entrance for Ph.D program 
  • Qualified CSIR-UGC NET with CSIR fellowship(Fellowship not availed) 
  • Awarded Ph.D  degree  from Indian Institute ofScience, Bengaluru
  • Awarded Postdoctoral Fellowship from University of Maryland, USA
  •  Worked for  multinational company Cookson electronics as research scientist
  • Principal Scientist since August 2018 at CSIR-CFTRI